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What I love most about Christmas*

What I love most about Christmas

I got so excited when an email from  Satsuma Loans*  landed in my inbox asking me to collaborate with them for a Christmas post to be featured in their Christmas calendar. I locked myself away with Christmas films playing in the background and Christmas songs blasting through my speakers to get me into the festive mood though it wasn't that hard 'cause I am SO READY for Christmas this year! 

We all love Christmas, it’s such a happy time of year and everything feels so.. homely. The whole atmosphere gives me the same feeling as when I go to my nans for tea and biscuits. I can’t quite explain the feeling, but it is ENCHANTING and it consumes my entire being for the whole month of December. Seeing as I cannot describe the exact feeling, I will write a list of the best things about Christmas, in hopes to get you feeling that feeling and then maybe, you’ll understand.

What I love most about Christmas


Picking the perfect advent calendar which makes getting out of bed a little easier. Icy winds that spread's a certain cinnamon fragrance only December embodies. Onesies and slippers lined with faux fur after a steaming hot bath. Cosy dressing gowns and blankets heating on the radiator to save you from the fresh, Monday morning chill. Bobble hats and scarfs – preferably tartan – that cover your entire face. Braving the outside and sharing that half smile, half wince look with passer-by’s. Stumbling into your favourite café and offloading all your shopping onto the nearest chair. Looking at all the decorations in said café that convince you to order the hottest, most Christmassy drink on the menu – usually a form of hot chocolate with infinite whipped cream and at least 10,000 mini marshmallows. Dark evenings illuminated by lights formed in the shapes of stars, trees, deer and presents, large Santa’s hanging from shop roofs shouting a jolly “ho-ho-ho” that always seem to put a smile on your face, no matter how much you claim to hate them. Surrendering to the rain and jumping in puddles just like you did when you were younger. Singing, dancing and spinning in said rain all the way home. Stepping out of wet clothes into a hot shower, hotter pyjamas and hugging an even hotter hot-water-bottle. Wolfing down a hearty stew and a delicious brew with a cheeky biscuit, or 10 with your feet up watching festive films. That certain type of feeling when you finish all your Christmas shopping and wrapping and can now just sit and enjoy the build up to Christmas. Singing and dancing in your living room to Christmas songs blasting through your speakers. Laughing with friends over a big glass of mulled wine. 

Cuddling up on the sofa with your love, watching hearty Christmas films. Heaving the Christmas tree down from the attic and gathering everyone you know to help put it up whilst drinking, dancing and singing. Wrapping yourself in tinsel to prepare yourself and finding decorations and baubles you made when you were a kid and hanging them on the tree. Discovering you’ve already eaten all of the chocolate that was meant to be hung on the tree.. and all of the quality streets and roses. Feeling that excitement grow and grow the closer it gets to the 25th. Not being able to sleep on Christmas eve no matter how many hot chocolates sprinkled with mini marshmallow’s you consume. Waking up at the break of dawn like a child on Christmas day, and waking up everybody else because not only are you excited to open your presents, but you’re excited to see the joy in your loved ones faces when you give them theirs. Indulging in turkey, potatoes, gravy and chocolate without a second thought or care in the world. Having a mid-day nap because Christmas is exhausting but also SO MUCH FUN. Pulling crackers, sharing jokes and wearing little hats that almost always fall into your gravy. Lighting the ruby fire and switching on the fairy lights instead of using the main light. Smiles, happiness and family. Going to sleep with a smile on your face and in your heart, because this year DEFINITELY topped last year's Christmas and you didn’t think that was even possible. 


I had such a fun times writing this post for Satsuma* and I am SO EXCITED for Christmas now honestly, I'm one of those annoying people who as been celebrating Christmas from the moment Halloween ended.. that's a lie, I was actually watching Christmas films ON Halloween but yanno..

What's your favourite thing about Christmas?


  1. This post just made me smile so much! I'm definitely a Christmas lover who is also celebrating from Halloween (and thinking of Christmas ever since the end of summer tbh!) I absolutely love everything you've written here and it's making me more and more excited!! I love wrapping up warm, indulging in festive themed drinks in cafes, embracing all the fairy lights and Christmas decorations in the town and shops and blasting Christmas tunes and watching films to my hearts content! I can't wait to go back home in December and really embrace the festivities!!

    JosieVictoriaa // Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle

    1. Aw thank you Josie! I hope you had a magical Christmas and a wonderful new year! xxx

  2. My favourite thing about Christmas is having a huge family gathering. There are so many siblings on my mother's side and they all have children as well so there are quite a lot of us and we always end up organising to spend the evening in a cabin together. Of course there's always a lot of food as well x


    1. Aw that's so cool! I love Christmas food! HOpe you had a wonderful Christmas and New year lovely xxx
